Music In Our Schools Month® (MIOSM®)

The purpose of MIOSM is to raise awareness of the importance of music education for all children – and to remind citizens that school is where all children should have access to music. MIOSM is an opportunity for music teachers to bring their music programs to the attention of the school and the community, and to display the benefits that school music brings to students of all ages.

In 2024, MIOSM in North Carolina partnered with the NCCBMC 2023 to promote brand new band compositions by seven North Carolina composers. Several NC music educators were highlighted in the MIOSM Monday Takeover on all social media platforms. The October 2024 Arts in Our Schools month proclamation continues to highlight the importance of music education.

In 2025, NAFME will celebrate the 40th anniversary of MIOSM with the theme of “United Through Music”. As we know, music transcends language barriers, making it a universal form of communication. People from different cultural backgrounds can find common ground through music, as it often conveys emotions and messages that resonate on a human level.

The music educators in North Carolina understand how “united” music can affect us all and heal us through tough times. Between the COVID years and the devastating hurricanes in 2018 and 2024, we feel comfort knowing that our colleagues, and community will always lift up using art and music as the venue.

One of our newer committee’s in NCMEA is Popular Music. The MIOSM committee would like to take a moment this year to highlight all the wonderful ideas and events coming from this committee. Follow us on our social media accounts during the month of March to see more about the Popular Music committee!

We will continue to work with NCDPI partners, NC Lobbyist Ashely Perkinson, and the newly formed NC Music Office to schedule music performances for the month of March. Follow our social media for more information about how you can get involved, or attend the performances.

We would also like to know how do the people in North Carolina unite through music? Do you have a local orchestra, church group, musical theatre group? Do you have students who make music outside of the “norm?” How does this unite them? If you would like to share how music unites your community, click here!

Lastly, we will be holding a MIOSM 2025 “Spirit Week!” We look forward to seeing the participation from all teachers!

For more information about this year’s MIOSM activities, follow our social media accounts, or check out the NAfME and NCMEA websites as we come closer to the month of March!