NCMEA will host it’s first bi-annual Advocacy Summit on Friday, August 3rd.
The goal is to empower attendees to be proactively involved in music education advocacy on the local, state or national level. Information shared at this event will also serve those seeking leadership opportunities within NCMEA.
The morning session will cover current policy issues at the federal, state and local levels presented by NAfME leadership and our NCMEA lobbyist. The afternoon session centers on leadership training. We will provide you with tools to advocate for music education in your school, LEA and community.
Registration is FREE and includes a box lunch. There are only 40 slots available.
*Please be aware that the North Carolina Music Educators Association uses professional photographers during NCMEA events for promotional purposes. Members and participants may be photographed in the in these settings. Names will never be published with images without permission of the photographed individual(s).
DATE: Friday, August 3, 2018
TIME: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
LOCATION: Country Inn & Suites, 3211 Wilson Dr, Burlington, NC 27215
Hear discussions relating to federal, state and local education policy issues and leadership.
Speakers & Topics
- Leadership Development Consultant, Lisa Withers, will give advice on becoming effective influencers.
- Executive Director of Arts North Carolina, Nate McGaha, will address public funding and policy for the arts and arts education.
- Our lobbyist, Ashley Perkinson, will discuss NCMEA’s plans going into the legislative long session.
If you would like to be an effective advocate for music education, the NCMEA Advocacy Summit is a great place to enhance these skills.
NCMEA would like to thank the Country Music Association Foundation for supporting our advocacy efforts.