
Advertising Submission Deadlines
Summer/Fall – June 1
Conference – August 1
Winter – December 1
Spring – March 1

ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS: We prefer advertisers submit their ads through the online submission process. The preferred file format is InDesign or PDF, but other graphic files may be accepted. All ads requiring pre-press work, may be charged in addition to the actual ad space cost.

We reserve the right to refuse any ad which contains copy we deem unacceptable for publication, or which violates the publication’s non-profit permit status. 

Advertising materials (including proofs of electronically submitted ad) for each issue of the North Carolina Music Educator, as well as purchase orders and any other correspondence, should be sent to:

Kim Justen, Editor
[email protected]

Each advertiser will receive a complete copy of each issue in which their ad appears. In the case of digital-only issues, a link to the publication will be sent to advertisers. 

10% DISCOUNT:  Ads contracted for four consecutive insertions within the same academic year (September – May) may earn a 10% discount, issued retroactively on the fourth insertion. Ads authorized on an issue-by-issue basis, do not qualify for the frequency discount. Advertisers will not earn the discount if any previous ads are unpaid. 

BILLING:  Advertisers may pre-pay. All advertisers and agencies that do not pre-pay, will be billed by invoice following publication, unless we are otherwise requested by the advertisers. Please include copy of the invoice (or invoice number) with payment to insure proper credit. WHEN PRE-PAYING FOR AN AD, INDICATE THE ISSUE IN WHICH THE AD IS SCHEDULED, AND SEND PAYMENT TO SUSAN HEISERMAN, NCMEA, 883-C WASHINGTON ST., RALEIGH, NC 27605. (For information on paying by credit card, please contact Susan Heiserman, 919.424.7008.)

When paying for ad space covered by a purchase order, please identify the po, so proper credit can be given. 

Payments, with checks made payable to the North Carolina Music Educator, should be sent to the address shown on the invoice. (For information on paying by credit card, contact ad rep by phone or email.)

For ad rates and to apply, click here.