Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of the Jazz Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association
Updated April 2014
- Section 1. Name: The name of the organization shall be the Jazz Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association
- Section 2. Relationships: This organization shall be the official Jazz section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association, a department of the North Carolina Association of Educators affiliated with the National Association for Music Education.
- Section 1 Mission: The mission of the Jazz Section is to work within the framework of the North Carolina Music Educators Association and its affiliates to advance the cause of jazz music education. The Jazz Section shall cooperate with other sections of the North Carolina Music Educators Association in planning and carrying out such activities.
- Section 2. Function: To encourage, actively promote and provide educational opportunities that will further the study and performance of jazz music in the public and private schools of North Carolina.
- Section 1. Active membership shall be granted to any individual engaged in music education who is a member of the North Carolina Music Educators Association in the public and private schools of North Carolina.
- Section 2. All other membership shall conform to Article III of the Constitution of the North Carolina Music Educators Association.
- Section 3. The right to vote or hold office is reserved to active members.
- Section 1. Active membership in the North Carolina Music Educators Association shall be the only dues requirement for membership in the Jazz Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association.
- Section 1. The elected officers of the Jazz Section shall be the Jazz Section Chairperson, the Chairperson-elect, Immediate Past Chairperson, the Region Chairpersons and four Members at Large.
- Section 2. The Jazz Section Board of Directors shall consist of the Jazz Section Chairperson, the Immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson, the Jazz Section Chairperson-elect, Region Chairpersons, representatives from each of the North Carolina Bandmasters Association districts (Western, Northwest, South Central, Central, Southeastern and Eastern) and four Members-At-Large.
- Section 3. The Jazz Section Executive Committee shall consist of the Jazz Section Chairperson, the Immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson, the Jazz Section Chairperson-elect and the four Members-At-Large.
- Section 4. Vacancies in any elective office shall be filled upon the recommendation of the Jazz Section Chairperson or acting Chairperson, by and at the discretion of the Jazz Section Board, until an election for the unexpired term is held at the next general meeting.
- Section 1. Nominating Committee A. A nominating committee, which shall be chaired by the Immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson, and the four at- large members of the board of directors shall prepare a nominee for each office which shall be presented to the membership for action. B. Additional nominations may be made by any active member at the time nominations are presented to the membership.
- Section 2. Jazz Section Chairperson – The Jazz Section Chairperson-elect shall be elected in even-numbered years at the general meeting held during the All State Jazz Band Clinic. Upon completion of a two year term, the Chairperson-elect shall automatically accede to the office of Jazz Section Chairperson.
- Section 3. Region Chairpersons – The Region Chairpersons shall be elected by each region’s membership on odd- numbered years at their annual meeting. The term of service for the region chairperson will be two years. Region chairpersons may be elected to consecutive terms not to exceed two terms.
- Section 4. Members at Large – The four Jazz Section Members-at-Large shall be elected by the jazz section membership at the general meeting held during the All State Jazz Band Clinic. Two of the four Members-At-Large shall be elected by the section’s general membership in even numbered years and two on odd numbered years. Members at Large may be elected to consecutive terms not to exceed two terms.
- Section 1. General Meetings – The two general meetings of the Jazz Section of NCMEA will be held during the annual NCMEA Professional Development Conference and the All-State Jazz Band Clinic.
- Section 2. Region Meetings – Each jazz region will hold an annual business meeting as part of their All-Region Jazz Band Clinic. An additional region meeting may be called during the NCMEA annual Professional Development Conference.
- Section 3. Jazz Section Board of Directors Meetings – A meeting of the Jazz Section Board of Directors will be held when deemed necessary by the Jazz Section Chairperson. Executive Committee Meetings – Meetings of the Jazz Section Executive Committee will be held when deemed necessary by the Jazz Section Chairperson.
- Section 1. Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall govern all business meetings of the Jazz Section in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws of this section or of the North Carolina Music Educators Association.
- Section 1. The constitution may be amended with the approval of two-thirds of the membership present at a general meeting of the State Jazz Section or by a simple majority of the electronic/land mail vote as prescribed in Article VI of the NCMEA Bylaws.
- Section 2. Operating Procedures may be amended, added or deleted by a simple majority of the members present at any general meeting of the State Jazz Section.
- Section 3. Proposed amendments to the constitution must be submitted in writing to the Jazz Section Board of Directors at least thirty days prior to any general meeting. The State Jazz Board of Directors will consider all amendments. If the State Jazz Board of Directors approves the proposed amendment, the amendment will be presented to the membership at least thirty days prior to the next general meeting and will be submitted for a vote of the general membership at the following general meeting.
- Roberts Rules of Order (revised) shall govern all business meetings of the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the constitution and by-laws of this Association or of the North Carolina Music Educators Association.
- Section 1 – The officers of the Jazz Section shall include:
- Jazz Section Chairperson
- Jazz Section Chairperson-elect
- Immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson
- Four Members-at-Large
- Region Chairpersons
- North Carolina Bandmasters Association District Representatives
- These officers shall be collectively known as the North Carolina State Jazz Section Board of Directors.
- Section 2 – Terms of Service
- Section Chairperson – The term of office for the Jazz Section Chairperson shall be two years. This office shall be assumed by the Jazz Section Chairperson-Elect upon the vacancy of the position. Section Chairpersons shall not be permitted to be elected to consecutive terms of service.
- Section Chairperson-Elect – The term of office for the North Carolina State Jazz Section Chairperson- Elect (Recording Secretary) shall be two years with the term to begin upon the conclusion of the Jazz Section All-State Band Clinic in the year of their election.
- Immediate Past Chairperson – The term of office for the Jazz Section Immediate Past Chairperson shall be two years and will begin upon their completion of their two years of service as the Jazz Section Chairperson.
- Members-at-Large – The term of office for the North Carolina State Jazz Section Members-at-Large shall be two years with the term to begin upon the conclusion of the Jazz Section All-State Band Clinic at which they were elected. Members-at-Large may be elected to no more than two consecutive terms of service.
- Region Chairpersons – The term of office for the North Carolina State Jazz Section Region Chairpersons shall be two years. Region Chairpersons shall be limited to no more than two consecutive terms.
- North Carolina Bandmasters Association District Representatives – The terms of office for the District Representatives shall be two years. District representatives shall be appointed by each North Carolina Bandmaster Association district chairperson. District representatives may be appointed to unlimited consecutive terms of service.
- Section 1. Jazz Section Chairperson The Jazz Section Chairperson shall serve as chairperson of the Jazz Section of the North Carolina Music Educators Association as provided in the constitution of that organization. The Jazz Section Chairperson shall…
- Preside at all Executive Committee meetings, Jazz Section Board of Directors meetings and general meetings of the Jazz Section.
- Enforce due observance of the constitution and Operating Procedures.
- Call meetings of the Executive Committee as deemed necessary for the successful running of the Jazz Section.
- Call, if necessary, additional Jazz Section Board of Directors meetings or Jazz Section general meetings.
- Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of NCMEA.
- Appoint committees deemed necessary and that are not otherwise provided for in the constitution.
- Coordinate the yearly calendar of events.
- Organize and oversee all Jazz Section events hosted at the annual NCMEA Professional Development Conference.
- Will submit articles/updates to be included in the North Carolina Music Educators Journal.
- Section 2. The Jazz Section Chairperson-elect The Jazz Section Chair-elect shall…
- Perform all the duties of the Jazz Section Chairperson in the event of the absence of the Jazz Section Chairperson.
- Act as recording secretary at all Jazz Section Executive Committee meetings, State Jazz Section Board of Directors meetings and Jazz Section general meetings.
- Furnish to the webmaster of the Jazz Section website a copy of the minutes of all Jazz Section meetings, said minutes to be in hands of the webmaster no later than seven days after the meeting.
- Assist the Jazz Section Chairperson in the organization and oversight of all Jazz Section events hosted at the annual NCMEA In-Service Conference.
- Section 3. The Immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson The immediate Past Jazz Section Chairperson shall
- Serve as consultant to the Jazz Section Chairperson and shall perform such other duties as are assigned by the Jazz Section Chairperson and the Jazz Section Board of Directors.
- Attend all Jazz Section executive committee, board of directors and general meetings.
- Serve as chairperson of the nominating committee per Article VI, Section 1.
- Assist the Jazz Section Chairperson with the organization and oversight of all Jazz Section events hosted at the annual NCMEA Professional Development Conference.
- Chair the directors reading band at the all-state jazz band clinic.
- Section 4. Members At Large The duties of the persons serving in the Members At Large positions shall include…
- “Middle School Even” Member At Large is elected on an even numbered year will be the chairperson of the Middle School All-State Jazz Band Auditions.
- “High School Even” Member At Large is elected on an even numbered year will be the chairperson of the High School All-State Jazz Band Clinic.
- “Middle School Odd” Member At Large is elected on an odd numbered year will be the chairperson of the Middle School All-State Jazz Band Clinic.
- “High School Odd” Member At Large is elected on an odd numbered year will be the chairperson of the High School All-State Jazz Band Auditions.
- Members At Large shall attend all Jazz Section Executive Committee meetings, State Jazz Section Board of Directors meetings and Jazz Section general meetings.
- Section 5. Region Chairpersons The Jazz Region Chairpersons shall…
- Preside over all region executive committee and general meetings.
- Coordinate the region’s yearly calendar of events.
- Oversee all events sponsored by the individual jazz region.
- Ensure that all financial reports for region student events are completed and submitted to the executive director of NCMEA in a timely manner.
- Attend all Jazz Section executive committee, board of directors and general meetings.
- Appoint region members to the positions of :
- Region Secretary
- Region Treasurer
- Region Auditions Chairperson
- Region Clinic Chairperson
- Region Music Performance Adjudication (MPA) Chairperson
- Region Auditions Site Host
- Region Clinic Site Host
- Region Music Performance Adjudication (MPA) Site Host
- Section 6. North Carolina Bandmasters Association District Representatives
The District Representatives are to serve as liaisons between the Jazz Section and their respective individual North Carolina Bandmasters Association district memberships.- Assist the Jazz Section Chairperson, the Region Chairperson and the Members At Large with the state and region student events.
- Assist the region chairpersons in coordinating the calendar for region jazz events with the calendars of the band district.
- Communicate region jazz events with their respective band districts.
- Attend all board and general meeting of their respective band districts.
- Attend all region executive committee and general meetings.
- Attend all board of directors and general meetings of the Jazz Section.
- Section 1. The Jazz Section Auditions Committee.
- Section 2. The Jazz Section Auditions Committee shall consist of the Jazz Section Immediate Past Chairman, “Middle School Even” Member at Large, “High School Odd” Member at Large and the appointed auditions chairmen from each jazz region.
- Section 1. The Jazz Section Auditions Committee is charged with assisting in the planning and implementation of auditions for membership in the region and all-state jazz band. Members shall submit all ideas and suggestions pertaining to the auditions to this committee for consideration. If deemed necessary, the committee will present these ideas and suggestions to the general membership for final approval or rejection.
- Section 2. The Jazz Section Auditions Committee shall create and administer the procedures related to jazz audition standards and adjudication. This committee should meet in conjunction with the NCMEA Professional Development Conference and at the all-state jazz band clinic.
- Section 1. Bands and their members are to participate within the jazz section events of their assigned region.
- Section 2. Requests for district reassignments must be submitted to the Jazz Section Board of Directors in writing.
- Procedure for Reassignment Requests: Submit the following to the Jazz Section Chairperson:
- A written request that states the reason(s) for the region reassignment
- A letter/email from the current region chair that grants permission to leave the region.
- A letter/email from the region chair that grants permission to join the requested region.
- Guidelines for Reassignment Requests:
- A reassignment request must have permission from both Region Chairs to be considered.
- A reassignment request will not be considered if the request would result in middle school/high school feeder schools participating in different regions.
- Procedure for Reassignment Requests: Submit the following to the Jazz Section Chairperson:
Region Membership by counties includes all school systems in those counties unless stated otherwise.
NC Jazz Region—West:
- The NCJR-W will consist of the following counties:
- Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Buncombe, Burke, Cabarrus, Caldwell, Catawba, Cherokee, Clay, Cleveland, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Gaston, Graham, Haywood, Henderson, Iredell, Jackson, Lincoln, Macon, Madison, McDowell, Mecklenburg, Mitchell, Polk, Rowan, Rutherford, Stanly, Stokes, Surry, Swain, Transylvania, Union, Watauga, Wilkes, Yadkin and Yancey.
- The NCJR-W will consist of the following counties:
NC Jazz Region—Central:
- The NCJR-C will consist of the following counties:
- Alamance, Anson, Caswell, Chatham, Cumberland, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Guilford, Harnett, Hoke, Johnson, Lee, Montgomery, Moore, Orange, Person, Randolph, Richmond, Rockingham, Scotland, Vance, Wake and Warren.
- The NCJR-C will consist of the following counties:
NC Jazz Region—East:
- The NCJR-E will consist of the following counties:
- Beaufort, Bertie, Bladen, Brunswick, Camden, Carteret, Chowan, Columbus, Craven, Currituck, Dare, Duplin, Edgecombe, Gates, Greene, Halifax, Hertford, Hyde, Jones, Lenoir, Martin, Nash, New Hanover, Northampton, Onslow, Pamlico, Paspauotank, Pender, Persquiamans, Pitt, Robeson, Sampson, Tyrell, Washington, Wayne and Wilson.
- The NCJR-E will consist of the following counties:
- Section 1. Purpose
- To assess student comprehension and performance ability as it relates to jazz through the evaluation of scholastic ensemble performance.
- To provide students and teachers a means of receiving constructive criticism regarding jazz pedagogy through written and recorded commentary from qualified and respected jazz educators.
- Section 2. Eligibility
- All ensemble directors must be current members of the North Carolina Music Educators Association.
- Ensemble members must be regularly enrolled in a music class according to the school administrative unit (individual school).
- The Ensemble director that appears on the class roster at a school as the teacher must be a member of NCMEA and register all students to participate in all NCMEA sanctioned events.
- Student teachers that are current members of CMENC may conduct one piece during a performance at Jazz Ensemble MPA.
- In the rare event that a director cannot conduct an ensemble (due to illness, family emergency, death in the family, etc.) approval must be obtained from both the Region Jazz Chairperson and the Jazz Section Chairperson before a substitute conductor (e.g. a student teacher) may conduct the group.
- Section 3. Administrative Structure
- Each region will have a Jazz Ensemble MPA Chairperson appointed by the region chairperson.
- The Jazz Ensemble MPA in each region must be held before May 15 each year. In the event of extreme weather conditions which require a cancellation of MPA, the MPA region chair may apply to the Jazz Section Chairperson for an extension of this date.
- The region Jazz Ensemble MPA Chairperson will contact the Executive Director of NCMEA to obtain Jazz Ensemble MPA financial and administrative materials and submit the required student event report to the NCMEA Executive Director by the required deadline.
- Section 4. Regulations
- Ensembles may enter for comments only.
- Where a school has more than one big band, duplication of personnel will be permitted so long as the literature and instrument are not the same. Students are permitted to play the same instrument in both a big band and a combo.
- No ensemble may enter more than one region Jazz Ensemble MPA.
- Ensembles are required to refrain from preparing any composition for Jazz Ensemble MPA more than once within a four-year period.
- Any school district finding it necessary to combine students to create an ensemble for Jazz Ensemble MPA must receive permission from the Board of Directors of the North Carolina Jazz Section.
- Section 5. Registration
- All Jazz Ensembles will register in their designated regions.
- B. Exception to Rule 5-A: Ensembles may register for MPA out of region with written permission from both the MPA chairman of their assigned region and the MPA chairman of the region for which they wish to participate. If problems occur, the director should contact the Jazz Section chairperson, who shall intervene and make a final decision.
- Registration blanks must be completed and mailed with fees enclosed, to the Region Jazz Ensemble MPA chairperson. The envelope must have a postmark showing that the materials were mailed on or before the stated deadline of thirty days (30) days prior to the first day of Jazz Ensemble MPA.
- Jazz ensemble directors will be prompted to present their valid NAfME membership card upon arrival at the MPA event.
- Section 6. Fees
- All Jazz Ensemble MPA registration fees will be $150.00 per ensemble.
- Fees will not be refunded.
- Section 7. Performance
- Each ensemble will be required to perform three selections and is encouraged to prepare three selections of contrasting styles (i.e. Swing, Ballad, Rock/Latin /Funk).
- All ensembles are required to furnish three conductor’s scores of each composition being performed at the Jazz Ensemble MPA. Scores will be presented to the Jazz Ensemble MPA chairperson upon arrival at the MPA location. Photocopied conductor’s scores may only be used for the MPA adjudicators with permission from the music publisher or music retailer from whom the scores have been purchased. Proof of permission to photocopy must be submitted to the MPA chairperson at the time of performance.
- Timing: Ensembles will receive thirty minutes of stage time which includes staging and performance. Ensembles may be required to perform at an adjusted time but the entire warm-up time of thirty minutes must be given to each band.
- Each ensemble director must submit to the Jazz Ensemble MPA chairperson a playlist history listing the MPA selections that will be performed the current year and the repertoire that has been performed during the previous three years and an ensemble instrumentation chart.
- Section 8. Disqualification
- Violation of any of the above rules constitutes an automatic disqualification.
- Section 9. Judging
- A. There will be three adjudicators for each region’s Jazz Ensemble MPA. The judges will be chosen and contracted by the region Jazz Ensemble MPA chairperson. It is recommended that these adjudicators supply experience from various levels of jazz education (i.e. Middle School, High School & Collegiate). The following chart will be used as a guide in arriving at a final rating when using four judges (Three judges from the concert portion and one judge from the sight reading portion). All possible combinations are included. The Roman numerals at the top refer to the final ratings; the numbers below refer to ratings given by each judge.
111 | 113 | 134 | 155 | 455 |
112 | 114 | 135 | 245 | 555 |
115 | 144 | 255 | ||
122 | 145 | 344 | ||
123 | 233 | 345 | ||
133 | 234 | 355 | ||
222 | 235 | 444 | ||
223 | 244 | 445 | ||
333 | ||||
334 |
Although for purposes of reckoning the I, II, III, IV, V system is a convenience, please be sure that the numbers are not inscribed on the certificates of award or given to the media. According to our rules, the correct designations are given in the right-hand column below:
- Superior
- Excellent
- Average
- Below Average
- Poor
- Section 1. Administrative Structure
- The North Carolina All-State Honors Band shall use a two tier structure. Bands will be classified as: Middle School (grades eight and under) and High School (grades nine through twelve).
- No active North Carolina Band Director shall conduct an All-State Jazz Band.
- Section 2. Eligibility
- The band director of each student auditioning for either the Middle School or High School All-State Jazz Band must be a current member in good standing of both the North Carolina Music Educators and their own region.
- To audition and participate in the All-State Jazz Band, the band member must be regularly enrolled in a scheduled music class which receives one unit of credit.
- The band member must have participated in their respective region band clinic as a member of either the High School “A” Band, High School “B” band or Middle School “A” band and performed on one of the following instruments: Alto Saxophone, Tenor Saxophone, Baritone Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Guitar, Piano, Bass or Drum Set. In the event a region band clinic is canceled, the students who would have been eligible, had the clinic been held, will be allowed to audition.
- Any student that can not document a family of personal emergency preventing their attendance at All-State Jazz Band Clinic, if selected, and fails to participate in that clinic will be banned from auditioning for All-State Jazz Band for one year.
- The band director that appears on the class roster at a school as the teacher must be a member of NCMEA and register all students to participate in all-state jazz band sanctioned events.
- Students may audition for membership in the All-State Jazz Band only on the instrument they were selected for and played at the region level.
- Students must be present at the auditions on the day of the auditions in order to participate.
- Section 3. Registration for Auditions
- Each region Clinic Chairperson shall notify the All-State Jazz Band Auditions Chairpersons of the names and school of those students of that region who may audition for All-State Jazz Band at the conclusion of their region clinic. Each Jazz Band Audition chairperson should receive a database if membership from each region so that if they need to contact someone they have the information.
- Each Band Director of an eligible student must complete the online auditions registration by the stated deadline in order for the student to audition.
- The band director shall be responsible for the proper registration and payment of fees to the Auditions Chairperson for his/her student(s) to audition for All-State Jazz Band. Only cash, school or band booster checks will be accepted (personal checks will not be accepted). Directors of participating students will be expected to judge.
- Auditions for the All-State Jazz Band will be the first or second Saturday of March determined by need and calendar issues. The make-up date will be the Saturday after the scheduled audition date.
- The band director whose name appears on the class list as the teacher must be in attendance or their students will not be allowed to participate.
- Directors who make a request to not be present must make their request to the Jazz Section Chairman in written form. Included in the request will be the reason for the request, student(s) name, parent’s name, and parent’s contact information including email address and contact information of their principal.
- The principal of the director who is requesting to be absent from auditions will be telephoned and ask to confirm the directors request. The principal will be reminded by the Jazz Section Chairman that current procedures stipulate the band director whose name appears on the class list as the teacher must be in attendance or their students will not be allowed to participate. The principal will then be asked to provide a written statement in which he/she asks for an exception to this procedure for the director to be absent. The written statement of the principal is also asked to include (a) the name and school of the band director who will judge and (b) acknowledgement that the parents of the student must individually transport eligible students to and from the auditions.
- The director making the request must find another North Carolina jazz educator who is a member in good standing of NCMEA (this person may not be a student teacher) to take their position judging and that director agree via either an email or a written letter to the state Jazz Section Chairperson. This director will also provide what is their primary instrument and a copy of their NAfME card. This director may not have any of his or her own students auditioning.
- The parents of each student auditioning must bring their child to the audition site and register their child on the day of auditions. (NCMEA assumes no liability for a child traveling with another person.) The parent must bring the following items with their child to the registration desk: (a) a copy of the request for the director to be absent, (b) a copy of the principal’s written statement, (c) a copy of the jazz educator’s NAfME card.
- In the event that a child is unable to participate in the All-State Jazz Band Auditions, directors should notify the appropriate auditions chairperson.
- Section 4. Audition Procedures
- Audition Requirements for Middle School Students
- Wind & Bass Players
- Scales – Students will be asked to perform from memory the Concert Bflat Major Scale to the 9th, the Concert Bflat Blues Scale to the 9th, the ii-V7-I progression in Concert Bflat in a swung pattern. They must perform the chromatic scale in a straight pattern. (All scales should be performed as written and in the order written on the Middle School Scale Sheet located on the Jazz Section Website).
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment that omits the solo track.
- Improvisation – Students will perform an improvised solo over two chorus of a Concert Bflat Blues.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- Piano & Guitar Players
- Scales – Students will be asked to perform from memory the Concert Bflat Major Scale to the 9th, the Concert Bflat Blues Scale to the 9th, the ii-V7-I progression in Concert Bflat in a swung pattern. They must perform the chromatic scale in a straight pattern. (All scales should be performed as written and in the order written on the Middle School Scale Sheet located on the Jazz Section Website).
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment. They must perform the melody (written solo) for the first chorus and then comp (play an accompaniment pattern) for the remaining choruses.
- Improvisation – Students will perform an improvised solo over two chorus of a Concert Bflat Blues.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- 3. Drum Set Players
- Grooves & Improvisation – Students will be asked to perform the following styles; a medium swing and a funk/rock. The required format for performance will consist of the student playing 4 bars of the groove immediately followed by 8 bars of improvisation immediately followed by 4 bars of groove.
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment that omits the drum set track.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- Wind & Bass Players
- Audition Requirements for High School Students
- 1. Wind & Bass Players
- Scales – Students will be asked to perform from memory the Concert F Blues Scale to the 9th, the Concert Bflat Blues Scale to the 9th, the ii-V7-I progression in Concert C and the ii-V7-I progression in Concert Bflat in a swung pattern. They must perform the chromatic scale in a straight pattern. (All scales should be performed as written and in the order written on the High School Scale Sheet located on the Jazz Section Website).
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment that omits the solo track.
- Improvisation – Students will perform an improvised solo over two chorus of either a Concert Bflat Blues or Concert F Blues.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- Optional Consideration Requirements for Lead Trumpet or Bass Trombone – Students will be asked to perform an additional prepared solo excerpt with a CD accompaniment that omits the solo track. This additional audition element is designed to showcase the demand for these instruments.
- Piano & Guitar Players
- Scales – Students will be asked to perform from memory the Concert F Blues Scale to the 9th, the Concert Bflat Blues Scale to the 9th, the ii-V7-I progression in Concert C and the ii-V7-I progression in Concert Bflat in a swung pattern. They must perform the chromatic scale in a straight pattern. (All scales should be performed as written and in the order written on the High School Scale Sheet located on the Jazz Section Website).
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment. They must perform the melody (written solo) for the first chorus and then comp (play an accompaniment pattern) for the remaining choruses.
- Improvisation – Students will perform an improvised solo over two chorus of either a Concert Bflat Blues or Concert F Blues.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- Drum Set Players
- Grooves & Improvisation – Students will be asked to perform the following styles; a medium swing, bossa and a funk/rock. The required format for performance will consist of the student playing 4 bars of the groove immediately followed by 8 bars of improvisation immediately followed by 4 bars of groove.
- Solo – Students will perform the appropriate solo for the current audition year with a CD accompaniment that omits the drum set track.
- Sight-Reading – Students will perform one sight-reading excerpt in one of the following styles; swing, rock, Latin or funk.
- 1. Wind & Bass Players
- All Audition Requirements including play-a-long solo book item numbers, yearly solo rotations and scale sheets will be taken from the “Audition Requirements” document posted on the Jazz Section Website.
- A random formula will be used to place the order in which student auditions.
- Ties will be broken in the following order: Solo, Improvisation, Sight-Reading and then Scales. In case of ties for the last chair we will take both or all.
- At the region level students may audition on more than one instrument.
- Jazz regions may decide to strengthen or weaken the audition requirements for their own region as their membership deems necessary.
- Audition Requirements for Middle School Students
North Carolina All-State Jazz Band Instrumentation for All Bands
Middle, High School Bands
2 Alto Saxophones | 5 Trumpets | 5 Trombones | 1 Guitar |
2Tenor Saxophones | 1 Piano | ||
1 Baritone Saxophone | 1 Bass | ||
1 Drum Set |
- Section 5. Registration for All-State Jazz Band Clinic
- At the conclusion of the Auditions, the All-State Jazz Band Audition Chairperson for each level will notify each jazz educator of his/her student(s) who were selected for All-State Jazz Band by posting the results on the Jazz Section website. The director will be responsible for the proper registration of her/her student(s) participating in the clinic. A copy of the All-State Jazz Band Auditions Registration file will also be sent to the appropriate All-State Jazz Band Clinic Chairperson.
- Each participating organization will be responsible for its own housing and meal arrangements.
- Clinic registration at the time of the All-State Jazz Band Clinic must be done in person by the band director. If the band director is unable to be present, the director must notify the All-State Jazz Band Clinic Chairperson in advance and in writing giving the reasons for his/her absence and the name of the jazz educator who is to personally register his/her student(s) and will be responsible for the student(s) during the clinic. Each school principal will verify this appointment with the clinic chairperson in writing before the clinic registration date.
- Section 6. Fees
- The audition fee for All-State Jazz Band will be $15.00 per student if registered on or before the registration deadline and $30.00 per student if registered after the deadline. Only cash, school or band booster checks will be accepted.
- The All-State Jazz Band clinic fee will be $45.00 per student. Only cash, school or band booster checks will be accepted.
- Section 7. Regulations
- Students who cannot attend the All-State Jazz Band Clinic shall not audition.
- Students shall attend all of the All-State Jazz Band rehearsals during the Clinic. Any student who misses any portion of any rehearsal will not perform with the All-State Jazz Band.
- It is the duty of the jazz educator to insure that students meet all stipulations and requirements for All-State Jazz Band. Failure to comply with any stipulation or requirement or the failure to meet given deadlines may result in the ineligibility of a student to either audition for or attend the All-State Jazz Band Clinic.
- All-State Jazz Band Auditions will be held in conjunction with and run simultaneously with the NCBA All-State Honors Band Auditions.
- The All-State Jazz Band Clinic will be held the second weekend in April. This date may be changed if a conflict with the Easter Holiday arises.
- A list of behavior guidelines for clinic rehearsals will be given to all eligible students. Students and their parents must both sign this form to participate. The form will state that any conduct violation will result in the student being sent home.
- Section 8. Guidelines for Auditions Adjudicators
- Be sure to greet the students and smile. Help make the students feel comfortable and not feel intimidated. There should not be any discussion with the student other than their first name and audition number.
- Care should be given as to the number of students called at one time, so that the amount of time in the hall is minimal.
- Write the audition number and first name of the student on the student’s score sheet and judges tally sheet. Make sure you verify this information with the student.
- Judges need to maintain a professional attitude and are expected to judge each student fairly.
- When judging a performance, refer to the adjudication rubric located on the student score sheet. This will help you to be consistent and to consider all aspects of a performance. This should help prevent a personal bias towards the performance. For example: you should not deduct points from a solo score for an interpretation of the music that is within the parameters what is indicated on the page. You may have a well-formed and valid opinion as to how the piece should be executed, however points should not be deducted for an interpretive performance that is equally valid, but not the same as yours. Wind players should play the solo as close to the recording as possible, demonstrating that they can follow a lead player.
- If you are using the adjudication rubric, you will be judging the performance solely on the basis of how the performance sounds. Although choice of fingerings/slide positions, quality of instrument, embouchure formation, etc. can affect sound, you are judging the sound.
- Be sure you and your partner judge communicate during your judging by making sure the point spread is consistent. Talk to each other after each student, especially at the beginning.
- When judging a large number of individuals, refer to your individual judge’s tally sheet, in order to monitor for consistency in scoring.
- The procedure for sight-reading is as follows:
- Obtain and use an electronic timer to monitor that you are giving each person 60 seconds of time to preview the sight-reading selection;
- Say to the auditionee “Please find the sight-reading”;
- Let the auditionee find it;
- Say to the auditionee “You have 60 seconds to look at it before we ask you to begin playing”;
- When the allotted time is used, say to the auditionee “Please play the sight-reading.”
- When judging scales the Judge should say “Play the scales in the order posted on your music stand”.
- Judges should not be judging their students. If by chance you are scheduled to judge your student please let the Audition Chairperson know ahead of time.
- Middle School students may find their first pitch. Do not indicate whether or not it is the correct pitch.
- Each Judge should initial any changes on the judge’s sheets and make sure that the judge’s tally sheet reflects the correction.
- Adjudicators will evaluate the student’s performance only on the required material. Playing extra octaves will not be credited or penalized.
- High School Trumpet and Trombone judges must confer with the Auditions Chairperson regarding the placement of any student that performed the additional Lead Trumpet or Bass Trombone Solo.
Jazz Section Financial Guidelines
All-Region Band Auditions:
- Fees: On-time registration fees are $15.00 per student. Late registration is $30.00 per student.
- In order to host one band on the high school level, there must be at least 35 students registered to audition or a minimum of $525.00 in fees. This includes students who register but choose not to audition.
- In order to host two bands on the high school level, there must be a total of 70 students registered or a minimum of $1,050.00 in fees. This includes students who register but choose not to audition.
- In order to host one band on the middle school level, there must be at least 35 students registered to audition or a minimum of $525.00 in fees. This includes students who register but choose not to audition.
- In order to host two bands on the middle school level, there must be a total of 70 students registered or a minimum of $1,050.00 in fees. This includes students who register but choose not to audition.
- There is flexibility. For example, if you have 60 high school students registered and 30 middle school students registered, the high school registrations can only support one band and the middle school registrations do not support a band. However, you can borrow money from the high school registrations (the equivalent to 5 student registrations) to allow the middle school registrations to qualify. This would allow one high school band and one middle school band to chosen for the clinic, if instrumentation permits.
All-Region Jazz Band Clinics
- Clinic registration is $45.00 per student.
- Clinic chairs are encouraged to solicit donations, such as from a local music company.
- Clinic chairs are encouraged to find clinicians who are sponsored by a manufacturer (Jupiter, Selmer, etc.) and whose fees may be paid in part by his/her sponsor.
- If need be to remain in the “black,” Clinic chairs may negotiate with clinicians to accept reduced payment.
- If need be to remain in the “black,” Clinic chairs may choose local directors to be clinicians for bands, especially the middle school band.
- Music may need to be borrowed from local schools or universities’ libraries or the clinician may be asked to bring music from his/her library.
Jazz Music Performance Adjudication (MPA)
- A one day jazz festival must have at least 12 bands/combos in order to be held. A two day jazz festival must have at least 18 bands/combos in order to be held.
- Registration fee is $150.00 for any size group (big band or combo).
- MPA Chairpersons are encouraged to solicit donations, such as from a local music company.
- A region jazz MPA must not lose money. If it appears in advance that moneys collected will not pay the bills for the festival, then the festival will be canceled.
- To keep a festival from being canceled, the registered bands may elect to cover the balance (deficit) equally.
- If a festival is canceled, groups can transfer and play at festival in another region. The monies submitted must be transferred also.
- If need be to remain in the “black,” festival chairs may negotiate with clinicians to accept reduced payment.